Friday, April 01, 2005

Popular Culture gives me Itchy Rash

When you've got Katie Couric and Al Roker saying "bling bling", you know you're in trouble. Now everybody's hard, everybody's a gangster. Everybody's a pimp, a playa. We're all living in one giant moldy container of macaroni salad.
Ashlee Simpson is a big punk rocker? Avril Lavigne is an anarchist skateboarder?
Heroin addicted rockers now have throngs of healthy whitebread teenagers imitating their haircuts and fashion sense, but without any of the self destruction, dammit. Paris Hilton didn't invent the phrase "that's hot". That one was coined by the gays, and it's been around for a l o n g t i m e.
I blame the stylists of the world for all this. They are the links btwn the everyday culture of the street and the insulated world of rich and famous people who don't have a fucking clue about "what's hot". It's the same way that inner city loft living became so popular for Yuppies...the same people who drove out all the starving artists in SF...they watched their TV and saw a really cool looking place on that raspberry flavored instant coffee commercial and decided they wanted to live in a place like that. But once they bought the building they realized that there was a damn club across the street, and that just didn't work for them because they have to get up at 6am to commute to their high paying corporate job. So they petitioned and had the club closed down. "There, that's better! Now I can live in my inner city loft without all the noise and ugliness of downtown living!"
I used to be good at anticipating what would be next for pop culture. Now I don't know, and I don't care.

1 comment:

lastangelman said...

Remember the phrase, "Die Yuppie scum!"? Why was there no follow up?
Deep Ellum used to be cool, now it's a commodity.
"Extreme" anything is now commonplace.
Marginal thinking is now the Main Street mainstream positively post modern moment of maximumity.