Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I am a Winter

My babies are the most important things to me in the world. I don't remember who I was before I had them. That person doesn't even matter anymore. Now that I am a mother I have this whole new lease on life. It's like, don't mess with my kids or I will kill you. That's why I am so glad that there are so many options of SUV's to choose from! Because if I don't feel protected on the road, my kids are in danger. And if I feel like my kids are in danger, the terrorists will have won.
I urge all mothers out there to arm themselves with an SUV. You can't beat the feeling of security that it provides! And of course, you need to live in a gated community. That is a really great feeling when you hear that gate closing behind you when you scoot your SUV into the cul de sac. You just know you're safe, you're among like-minded people. And that is so important to me, to be around people who think like I do. Every house in my development has a big beautiful American flag flying out front. Not a rainbow flag, or a Nazi flag, or a Pirate flag. An American flag. That's just how people are here in the Davenport Columns Community.
I really feel "at home" in my Davenport Designer Home. There are five models to choose from, and you get to pick the colors in the Great Room. You also get to pick the colors of your countertops in both the kitchen and master bathroom. Of course, if you just can't decide, they will hire a color specialist to choose for you. She will look through your wardrobe and figure out what will match your style the best. Even if you think you know what you want, you might want to hire her anyway....I was going to pick a mauve counter for my master bathroom because I just LOVE mauve, but when she saw my skin tone and the bathrobe I usually wear, she steered me right away from mauve, saying that it would cause my skin to look sallow and possibly injure my self esteem, so we went with a gray and teal flecked counter top instead. I never thought I liked teal, but you know I've never looked so good to myself in the mirror, so I think she's right!!
When the kids are a little older I'm going to get their colors done, too. You don't want a child starting out their day looking into a mirror that makes them look washed out when you could've just changed the colors of the walls. What is that going to do to their self esteem? I would just never forgive myself for that. Sure it may cost a little bit of money, but the children are our future!!! They are worth everything!

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