Martha Stewart never thought of herself as anybody special, until one day in the late '80's, when she saw a woman on TV dyeing Easter eggs who had her name.
Martha Stewart was cutting her son Wesley's hair at the time, and when she heard the morning news show host say her name is such an honorary way, she jumped in her Easy Spirit shoes, and cut Wesley's bangs uneven.
Martha Stewart suddenly had a role model. She'd always hated her name, thinking the plainness of it predestined her to the unchanging suburban life she led. Now, seeing this woman on the TV screen, in her sensible striped polo (isn't that what the kids call those shirts?), with her blonde hair done just right, not too racy, dyeing those Easter eggs so beautifully, with HER NAME, she did not care when Wesley screamed at her that now he looked like a faggot and that she was retarded.
In fact, from that moment on (at least for a good while), she seemed to not really care what the kids said to her. Quickly, the 7 bland beige rooms of her home became sponge painted, fruit centerpieced, silk potpourri sachet places- places with pizazz! And class.
Martha Stewart even got her 15 minutes of fame when MARTHA STEWART had to go to court about all that awful stuff, the money stuff. Martha Stewart took a plane from her home in Texas to New York City for MARTHA'S trial, with a carefully rolled piece of posterboard and a 10 pack of magic markers. She wasn't sure she could find poster board in New York City.